Adjetivos Demostrativos

1.     Los adjetivos demostrativos ingleses son:
2.     a.) This (este, esta)                     These (estos, estas)
3.     b.) That ( aquel, aquella)             Those (aquellos, aquellas)
4.     Los adjetivos demostrativos se utilizan para determinar la posición de las cosas.
En español encontramos tres distintos grados de proximidad. Esto (para lo que está más cerca del sujeto). Eso (situado a media distancia) y Aquello (lejano).
En inglés, en cambio, solamente encontramos dos  grados de proximidad. This, que se utiliza para designar las cosas o personas relativamente cercanas y that, para las más alejadas.
5.     This puede utilizarse también para presentarse a uno mismo (no personalmente) o para presentar a un tercero.:
6.     Hello. This is Craig. / Hola. Soy Craig (En una conversación telefónica)
7.     · Paul, this is Helen / Paul, ésta es Helen
· Hello, Helen. Pleased to meet you / Hola Elena.
Encantado de conocerte.
· Hello / Hola
8.     - This también se emplea coloquialmente para empezar un relato o para indicar el tamaño de algo:
9.     This is the story of Ma Baker.... / Esta es la historia de Ma Baker...
A man this fat / Un hombre así de gordo
10. - This / that / these / those pueden preceder a un sustantivo o ir solos.
11. This restaurant is expensive / Este restaurante es caro
This is an expensive restaurant / Éste es un restaurante caro
12. - That sirve para indicar algo que ha ocurrido o algo que alguien ha dicho.
13. That was a wonderful film / Ha sido una pelicula maravillosa.
You're an engineer, aren't you?; Yes, that's right / Es usted ingeniero, ¿no? ;Si, exacto
14. - Like this.... like that (así, de este modo, de ese modo)
15. Don't do it like that. Do it like this / No lo hagas así. Hazlo así (de esta otra forma)


English demonstrative adjectives are:

a.) This (this, this) These (these, those)

b.) That (he, that) Those (these, those)

Demonstrative adjectives are used to determine the position of things.
In Spanish there are three different degrees of proximity. This (for which is closer to the subject). That (located in the middle distance) and That (distant).
In English, however, found only two degrees of proximity. This, which is used to describe things or people and That relatively close to the most remote.

This can also be used to introduce oneself (not personally) or to file a third.:

Hello. This is Craig. / Hello. I'm Craig (In a telephone conversation)

· Paul, this is Helen / Paul, this is Helen
· Hello, Helen. Pleased to meet you / Hello Elena. Nice to meet you.
· Hello / Hi

- This is also used colloquially to start a story or to indicate the size of something:

This is the story of Ma Baker .... / This is the story of Ma Baker ...
A man this fat / fat a man this

- This / that / these / Those may precede a noun or go it alone.

This restaurant is expensive / This restaurant is expensive
This is an expensive restaurant / This is an expensive restaurant

- That used to indicate something has happened or something someone has said.

That was a wonderful film / It was a wonderful movie.
You're an engineer, Are not You?; Yes, that's right / You engineer, right? ; Yes, exactly

- Like this .... like that (and, thus, in this way)

Do not do it like that. Do it like this / Do not do that. Do it well (this other way)

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